5 Things You Can Do If You’re Feeling Stuck

5 Things You Can Do If You’re Feeling Stuck

  Spring has finally sprung, gently persuading you to break free from your stagnant routine. But how can you ignite that spark of inspiration when life seems to be the same o’l same o’l, and you can’t seem to get your body from park into drive?...
Tweak Your Mindset and Reset Your Goals

Tweak Your Mindset and Reset Your Goals

It’s amazing how choosing different words can tweak your mindset and reset your goals. When we first started on our journey at Just One Bite at a Time to try to get fitter, healthier and skinnier, (May 2018), we quickly realised that it isn’t always about the...
Part 1 – Wow My Blood Test Reveals The Truth

Part 1 – Wow My Blood Test Reveals The Truth

What My Latest Blood Test Revealed So back in January 2018 I had a kick up the bum by my doctor, I wrote about it here and decided well, you know what, it’s time to make a bit of a change for the better. Coming off the back of a fairly intense Christmas, you know the...
Strewth! I’m Missing 4 Inches – Never Give Up

Strewth! I’m Missing 4 Inches – Never Give Up

Hi there, I just have to share with you something totally unexpected and freaking awesome. When we started our lifestyle changes “Just One Bite At a Time” back in January, personally I had cracked the 100kg mark, 101 on our scales at home. Chunky Monkey My pants were...