So what’s with the Let Your Freak Flag Fly thingy I hear you ask?
Ok, I really think all of us have some kind of …..well …..let me say difference that we try to hide. (well actually I mean me!!).

- Whether its our sense of humor that no one seems to get,
- the clothes we wear that aren’t the norm,
- the things we say when we shouldn’t – foot in mouth phenomenon
- what we believe in……extra terestrial…..ET is real you know….
- the things we do for relaxation, sport, entertainment, even the programs we watch every week on TV.
It’s really anything that doesn’t seem to go with the so called “norm”.
So Where Did The Term Fly Your Freak Flag Come From?
It was often said in the late 1960’s to encourages us to embrace our uniqueness rather than to hide it.
It originates from the American hippie era of the late 1960s, when men often grew their hair long.
It’s also in the Crosby, Stills and Nash song “Almost Cut My Hair”.
Now just to let you know that Greg is totally in tune flying his Freak Flag. No problems at all. He rather embraces it.
Opposites attract they say and it’s true…. and thank goodness for me.

Confession time….when we did Dry July last year I put up daily Instagram posts with a tip to encourage everyone to try something new.
I would pop our faces onto other peoples bodies trying to create something a little funny to emphasize the post I was sharing.
(hint the pic above was one of those posts and this was Day 28 of Dry July – Join a Rock band).
Doing those posts I felt a bit like a shag on a rock. (you know how shag birds perch on a rock and let their wings air-dry for all to see).
Oh man I thought….. It’s got nothing to do with recipes and lifestyle change and it’s kinda silly.
Am I reveling to all what a weirdo I am and giving them hard evidence to prove it correct?
Honestly I don’t even think anyone blinked an eyelid. Hilarious don’t you think! All that carry on in my head!
Some friends commented on the posts in a positive way… (maybe they were being polite 🙄)
One friend even said it had become a ritual to look for our Dry July posts in their Facebook feed every day.
So the problem was with me. Need I say anymore!
Anyway I want to encourage you if you’re a bit like me (worrying too much what everyone is going to think of you) to go out and embrace your unique beautiful wonderful self.
Go do karaoke and shine when you’re up on stage. You know most people will think you sound like Jimmy Barnes or Christina Aguilera. (they’ve had a few wines by then)!
I just wanted to share this Happy Vibe Life Cards as I know your mindset and metal health are so important.
Living your best life everyday starts with what’s between your ears my friend. Trust me I have worried about the silliest stuff. 😃😂🤣
Remember when you be your authentic self it gives others permission to let their weird flags fly too!.
Now if you are like Greg and an ace at flying your flag then you have permission to fly it even higher!!
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