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How To Stay On Track When You’re Away on Vacation.
Do you get super excited about going away on a little break but kind of worry about how to stay on track when you're away on vacation? And....what about the temptations like that awesome boutique ice-cream store that's in walking distance from where you are staying...

5 Things You Can Do If You’re Feeling Stuck
Spring has finally sprung, gently persuading you to break free from your stagnant routine. But how can you ignite that spark of inspiration when life seems to be the same o'l same o'l, and you can't seem to get your body from park into drive? Well if you are...

The One Percent Rule – My Addiction To Vanilla Slices
I’ve been in love with this theory called The One Percent Rule and have tried to apply it to just about everything I do. Especially my addiction (or past addiction) to vanilla slices. 🤪 So, I’m sure you are thinking what is The One Percent Rule and should I be using...

Tips To Survive Dry July In 2023
Each year, thousands of us put down the alcohol to raise funds for cancer patients and to have the opportunity to enjoy an entire month grog free. We thought we'd share some Tips To Survive Dry July in 2023 and help make this a month of fun and adventure. It's all in...
The One Percent Rule – My Addiction To Vanilla Slices
I’ve been in love with this theory called The One Percent Rule and have tried to apply it to just about everything I do. Especially my addiction (or past addiction) to vanilla slices. 🤪 So, I’m sure you are thinking what is The One Percent Rule and should I be using...
Tips To Survive Dry July In 2023
Each year, thousands of us put down the alcohol to raise funds for cancer patients and to have the opportunity to enjoy an entire month grog free. We thought we'd share some Tips To Survive Dry July in 2023 and help make this a month of fun and adventure. It's all in...
Why We Only Watch Fun Things on TV
If you ask us about the kind of things we've given up to help support our healthier lifestyle you'd probably think we would say oh...sugar, carbs and alcohol. Well.... that's kind of true...but the one thing we would have to say that's made the biggest...
Why We Switched To A Natural Deodorant
If you're like Greg and I, we depend on deodorant liked it's our best friend relying on it to get through a tough work day, walking the dogs and not to mention those anxious social events hoping we won't smell and alienate people.😳 But after using chemical...
Zucchini Slice
Who can resist a Zucchini Slice? Its such a versatile dish perfect in Summertime or a lovely light and easy lunchtime snack. Easy meal prep for a quick weeknight dinner or great to pop into lunch boxes for kids and adults too. . This is a family fave of ours and is...
Homemade Popcorn Chicken
Homemade Popcorn Chicken Who doesn't love Homemade Popcorn Chicken and it couldn't be easier to make. A handful of simple spices, panko breadcrumbs and a quick pan fry and you're in business. No need to drive to the local fast food outlet as you can make this recipe...