Cook the quinoa first. Add 1 cup water the veggie stock cube and 1/2 cup quinoa (that's been thoroughly rinsed to clear) to a pot and bring to the boil. Reduce to simmer for around 15 - 20 minutes or until quinoa is cooked. Allow to cool.
Combine mashed pumpkin, quinoa, onion, garlic (if using), egg, breadcrumbs, cumin, parmesan cheese, basil and pepper. Mix till combined.
The mixture may seem a little on the wetter side and if need be add a little more breadcrumbs if you like.
Form into 5 or 6 patties and pop into the fridge for 15 minutes until they firm up slightly.
Heat a larger style frypan - moderately high, with olive oil and the coconut oil.
(use both or just the olive oil if you prefer. The olive oil can get rather hot).
Pop your patties into the frypan and flatten to form more of a rissole shape by pressing slightly with an egg flip.
Cook for 4-5 minutes and flip over carefully and cook the other side for the same or slightly less time.
Keep and eye out to make sure they don't burn.
Note 1. Remember to rise your uncooked quinoa thoroughly first. This will avoid it tasting bitter.